Kottancheri Hills

Kottancheri Hills, located in the Western Ghats region of Kasaragod district, Kerala, is a collection of hills that are in close proximity to the Brahmagiri Hills of Kudagu in Karnataka. These hills have been named Kottancherry due to their resemblance to a fort (kotta in Malayalam). The Kottancheri Hills comprise several peaks, namely Kottancherry mala, Kumban mala, Pannyar mala, and Kanthanppara. Renowned for its picturesque views of the surrounding landscape, Kottancheri Hills is a highly sought-after destination for trekking enthusiasts.

Kottancheri Hill Station operates from Monday to Saturday, with opening hours from 9 AM to 5 PM. On Sundays, it remains open 24 hours. Admission is free for all visitors. However, please note that there is no wheelchair accessible entrance or designated parking lot available.

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