Wayanad Flower Show at Ambalavayal- The annual Wayanad Flower Show, also known as Poopoli, takes place in Ambalavayal, Kerala from January 1 to 15. This prestigious event is the largest flower show in Kerala, highlighting the newest trends and advancements in horticulture and floriculture. With up to 100 stalls, vertical gardens, and a diverse array of flowers on display, the Wayanad Flower Show is a must-visit for anyone interested in the world of gardening and floral design.
The main highlights of the show consist of 12 tall vertical structures adorned with ornamental plants, floral displays featuring peacocks, tea cups, taps, and trains, as well as a variety of flowering plants from Pune including Petunia, Salvia, Dianthus, Celosia, Aster, Phlox, Gladiolus, Calla Lily, Kalanchoe, Dimorphotheca, Snapdragon, Chinese Aster, and Chrysanthemum. Additionally, the show offers photo opportunities and designated selfie spots.